How to Avoid Hiring Mistakes and Achieve Business Objective without Compromising


Delivering unmatched customer satisfaction without compromising with quality and deadline is
the mantra to succeed in today’s constantly evolving business ecosystem. In order to achieve
this objective, enterprises leave no stone unturned to accomplish the project as quickly as
possible. The process includes various activities – hiring new people with the required skill set,
building a team, procure software, and more.

It creates an enormous pressure on the hiring managers to get the vacancies filled quickly and
build a team. They choose hastily, and most commonly, compromise with the skill set and end
up with onboarding wrong candidate – commonly known as a “hiring mistake”.

The US Department of Labor data shows that a bad hiring decision can cost a company as
much as 30% of the employee’s annual salary – and the expense only goes up with seniority. A
$100,000 salary could mean $30,000 wasted if you hire the wrong person.

In this guide, we have discussed some of the most costly hiring mistakes, also shared a couple
of useful tips to avoid them and take better hiring decisions.

Hiring Mistake #1: Lack of Preparation

Reports reveal that many hiring managers are not sure about hiring the right candidate for an
open position. Before placing the hiring advertisement, document an accurate job description,
outlining the tasks.

Get the job description (JD) reviewed by the concerned managers before sending it to the hiring
team. Along with the JD, other required factors such as experience, skills, and degree should
also be clearly stated to avoid any hiring mistake.

Hiring Mistake #2: Absence of a Strong Interview Team

Once the initial checks and preliminary rounds are over, candidates are required to appear for a
round of interviews. However, it has been noticed in many cases that the recruiting company
does not have a team to assess the technical knowledge and skill set of the candidate.

React Native app development, Kubernetes and similar domains, for instance, is a relatively
new and many companies do not possess required experience and knowledge to hire right
candidates and end up with committing biggest hiring mistakes.

Hiring Mistake #3: Overlooking Referrals

Although referrals are one of the easiest avenues to attract quality applicants in the least
amount of time, yet enterprises fail to leverage it properly. Skipping the initial stages of
assessment reduces the overall recruitment cycle time by 15-20 percent. Moreover, reports show that the conversion and retention rate of hires through referrals is significantly higher than
traditional hires.

Hiring Mistake #4: High OPEX

Although operating expense (OPEX) is not directly associated with hiring mistakes; but hiring
right candidates, building a team, and maintaining it requires a lot of money. Enterprises need to
pay for rent, equipment, inventory costs, marketing, payroll, insurance, and funds for research,
etc. So, if hiring goes wrong, the company may end up closing down its operations.

Now the obvious question is, how to avoid all these costly hiring mistakes and achieve the
business objective without compromising on quality and timeline. Let us find out.The Solution:

Don’t Hire, Outsource

There is a paradigm shift in the domain of business with the advancement of technology. Many
innovative ideas have popped in, and outsourcing is one of them. Outsourcing the project to an
offshore agency is a single-point solution to all the aforementioned issues. Not only it helps you
avoid the pitfalls of hiring mistakes, but you can also enjoy a multitude of benefits – ranging from
cost savings, efficiency gains, and greater competitive advantage.

Cost Advantages

Outsourcing your project to an offshore company enables you to get your job done at a lower
cost and at better quality. Cost of man-hour is significantly low in India and other Asian
countries, which means, if you hire an agency in India, you can reduce your project cost around
60% and that too without sacrificing quality.

Access to Skilled Resources

Once you are in agreement with an outsourcing agency, you no longer need to invest in hiring a
new candidate. Most of the offshore agencies maintain a pool of highly skilled resources. These
resources are highly skilled in the respective business areas and are capable of handling the
business needs without question. They normally render more productive, efficient service, often
of greater quality.

Improved Focus on Core Business Activities

Acquiring knowledge outside of your domain and mastering it is a time-consuming and
painstaking task. Dealing with IT related problems, for instance, are extremely tough for non-IT
professionals. Outsourcing makes room for you to focus on your core business activities,
allowing your staff to focus on their main tasks and on the future roadmap.

Faster and Better Services

Offshore development companies deal with a global clientele on a regular basis and they
always put customer’s interest in the first place. To maintain the reputation and good relationship they always walk the extra mile to make the service offerings better with high-quality
deliverables. They help decrease the lead-time so that you can achieve your business objective
with a faster go-to-market strategy.

There are many such business benefits that you can enjoy with outsourcing. To conclude, forget
about hiring mistakes by leveraging outsourcing and grow your business seamlessly without a

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