Custom Mobile App Development: 5 Tips to Develop a Successful Business App


In a time when the penetration of smartphones and mobile devices is an all-time high, it is a mandate for a business to traverse the path of a custom mobile app to beat the competition. According to the recent GSMA report, two-thirds of the world’s population now uses mobile devices.

As they say, “In order to win the race, you should be there where your customers are”. Customers today are tech-savvy and they wish to have all the required information, support services, etc. at their fingertips. What could be better than a mobile app to quench their thirst!

Moreover, regardless of the size of a business, a mobile app can no doubt enhance visibility and give you a definite edge over the competition. But the success of the mobile app relies on a couple of important factors. In this article, we have given away five useful tips to develop a successful business app, which will come handy in your custom mobile app development.

Set up the Budget

Set up the Budget

Business is all about spending the right amount for the right purpose at the right time. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to set the right budget for custom mobile app development. The appearance and performance of the app – in terms of features, details, user interface and experience, etc. mostly relies on your budget.

The cost of developing a successful business app may vary from 2000$ to 50,000$. Many offshore React Native app development companies offer free consultation services to understand the basics of custom app development. Businesses without any prior IT knowledge could leverage these services and accordingly set up the budget.

Comprehensive Market Research

Comprehensive Market Research

Understanding the competition, customer preferences, and define your target audience are some of the key facets of developing a successful business app. You should conduct a proper market research to get all these information. Market research gives you more insights on key requirements to make the app a successful endeavor.

Platform Selection

Platform Selection

Your objective behind developing a mobile app is to cater to a larger audience and deliver improved customer satisfaction. Therefore, you should focus on the platform, which is popular among your target audience. And the challenge starts here. Android and iOS are two popular platforms – Android has the largest user base, while the later generates more revenue.

To make your custom mobile app development successful, you should go for the platform that is widely used by your target audience. In the United States, for instance, iOS is the most popular choice followed by Android. If you choose the app development platform keeping your focused geography in mind, you can minimize the chance of failure to a great extent.

React Native vs. Native Platform

React Native vs. Native Platform

Does your business have customers and prospects encompassing iOS and Android platforms? If so, it requires equal attention and investment toward both platforms. But investing in two development teams might be a costly affair and beyond your budget.

React Native could be your best choice to resolve this problem. Launched by Facebook, this high-end mobile app development platform enables you to develop a mobile app for Android and iOS at one go. Embracing this latest platform could save a lot of money and effort. Get in touch with a React Native app development company for more on this.

Choice of Backend

Choice of Backend

APIs have revolutionized the spectrum of custom mobile app development. Most of the apps these days are API driven. Considering your business, it might require developing a custom backend and connect using APIs.

However, not all applications require developing a custom backend. Cases where a local database is capable of handling all requirements, a custom backend is not required. An app development company could assist you to take the right call.



The success or failure of a custom mobile app heavily relies on the user interface and the user experience. If you fail to satisfy the end users with application’s UI and UX, your customers will dump you. Most of the business apps fail because of this.

Better understanding on your audience, latest trends, and professional assistance could help you avoid these pitfalls. You may seek assistance from reputed React Native app development companies, as they are experienced in dealing with these challenges and deliver the best business app for your unique requirement.

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