Smart Ways to Raise Your Charge and Keep Your Clients


It does not matter whether you are a freelancer, entrepreneur, small business owner or an independent consultant, one of the most challenging decision for you would be how much you should charge your clients. The amount, we charge our clients, should depend on the time we invest and our expertise. But, we often get confused how to charge or raise the price. We are basically scared of being blamed that we are overpriced or even worse, the deal might be out of our hands.

Remember, you can’t do quality work for others if you don’t get what you deserve. This is why charging your clients that you deserve, is more important. If the questions, like “Do I really need to charge more?” or “Do I have the quality to charge more?” come in your mind, you should remove them at once.

The very first step to ensure growth your business is charging the right amount to your clients. Below are discussed a few smart ways to raise your charge without losing your clients. Read on –

1. Upgrade your confidence: If you are unable to convince yourself that your quality service worth a premium, then it is impossible to convince your clients. So, the very first step that you need to take is to believe in yourself. Your strong belief in the value of your service would convince your clients to charge more.

2. Be clear about your USP: Not all the clients go for the cheap services, there are some clients who want the best and they agree to pay any amount. Therefore, if you are clear about your unique selling points, they would easily convince your clients why they should charge you a higher price. Your customised services would help your clients to understand how you are different from others.

3. Upgrade your price chart on a regular basis for premium services: If you think charging a lower price will help in your business growth, you are not true. You might get more clients by charging a lower price, but it leaves a negative impression on the quality of your services. And the clients, who look for low priced services, tend to be short-term clients. So, your business growth stops in a way.

Increase your rate chart time to time for your premium services and of course, maintain your quality of services. For the sake of your business growth, you should remove your emotions associated with price rising. Your business decision should depend on your planning and strategy, not on your emotion.

4. Let your clients decide to pay you more: It would be wise to divide your services into different categories like basic, extended and premium. For example, if you charge $50/hour, make it a basic charge. For extended, make it $60/hour and for premium, make it $70/hour. Your quality of services for different categories should be different and you should be clear about why your client should go for the premium services. This will help your clients choose to pay you more.

These are just a few ways to raise your price in a smart way and keep your clients. If you have any suggestion, share with us. We are open to learning them.

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