Remote Dedicated Hiring in 2021 – 7 Benefits You Can’t Ignore

Hiring Remote Dedicated Developers in 2021

It is natural for any organisation to look for and implement profit-driven strategies. And one of the most cost-heavy components of the Profit & Loss Statement is the Employee Cost, which directly drains profitability. 

But it is also true that businesses are willing to spend a fortune on their employees, why? Because, these employees are the driving engine of any organisation and undoubtedly, their most valuable assets. Hence, business owners brainstorm to find and add exceptional, smart and skilled workforce to their offices. However, the entire hiring process is extremely arduous and costly. 

Hence, to solve such issues, several organizations these days are leveraging a multi-skilled and dedicated offshore development team in their operations. This concept dates long back, but with the outbreak of COVID-19 last year, it gained an added velocity in its outreach globally.

Remote development teams are groups of people who provide services to companies operating abroad. So, in an IT context, say, whenever you have a tech related requirement and you lack the requisite expertise in your firm, you can hire remote development teams to meet your goals. These dedicated developers manage the entire development lifecycle and keep you in the loop by giving updates about the project progress at every step. And because these groups generally belong to countries with low labor costs, companies hiring them incur lower infrastructure & employment expenses as well as are able to add efficiency in building software solutions. 

Though separated by time differences and distance, the offshore developers are becoming an ideal solution as the ‘extended and virtual team‘ in an organization. Not to mention, how this era of lightning-fast internet communications and collaborative gadgets has transformed the way people connect, transfer data, and successfully operate remotely. 

A few insights from market research: 

  • A recent Upwork report says that 73% of all teams worldwide will have remote workers by 2028.
  • According to a report published by Statista in Feb’21,  the global market size of outsourced services in 2019 amounted to US$92.5 billion, of which information technology generated US$66.5 billion (72%). 
  • Revenue in the IT Outsourcing segment is expected to show an annual CAGR of 5.13% (2021-2025), resulting in a market volume of US$429,291.7 million by 2025.
India is among the top countries people around the world prefer to outsource their IT & software development work.

Best Practices for an Effective Outsourcing Solution

Hiring offshore developers can be tricky. The effectiveness of working collaboratively with an offshore development team is highly dependable on the ground rules laid by the management. Here’s few tips that can make this model work wonders for you.

1. Have an agreement in place and keep all future correspondences in writing:

After you have evaluated proposals from various service providers and have chosen the best fit for yourself based on experience, pricing, reference, ensure you have all paperwork in place. Start with signing a contract mentioning scope of project, timelines, total agreed pricing for the project etc. Even during the course of the project, there might be changes to the agreed upon terms. Make sure that you clearly communicate these changes to your service provider and get confirmation from them – in writing – that they understand and agree to the changes.

2. Define strategic goals and provide a clear & detailed roadmap:

At first, it’s very important to understand why and for what you need an offshore team. Lay down a scope of work (SOW) to include details about work volume, milestones to achieve, and the time frame of all the tasks. You may use the Scrum Framework to divide this SOW and the development process into short tasks called sprints. A clear roadmap for the entire project journey is indispensable for offshoring to prove effective.  

3. Conduct regular demonstrations:

Make sure to virtually meet with the team at regular intervals. After every sprint, conducting a demo can be beneficial in understanding the quality and progress of work. This will also enable you to fill in the gaps and guide the team if required and ensure your project is on track. 

4. Use collaborative toolkit:

Using tools like Trello, JIRA, Slack, etc can help to solve the difficulties in working with a remote team of different time zones. These tools make project tracking and communication seamless across the team and makes the overall workflow easy and transparent.

Examples of Toolkits available for an effective outsourcing solution

5. Have mutual respect for all team members and provide feedback:

Always treat your offshore team as a part of your business. Having an excellent working relationship with peers and managers of the company goes a long way in improving the performance of any individual. Appreciate the team’s hard work  whenever they deliver on time and on point work. You may consider having a location specific team lead who will oversee day to day operations, bridge the cultural differences and ensure seamless workflow.

6. Define your payment terms clearly in advance:

It’s best to clearly define the payment terms in the contract to avoid future disputes. You may consider dividing your work plan for the project into sprints/ milestones, to which payments to your IT vendor shall be tied. So, everytime a milestone is achieved within the stipulated time and of required quality standards, you shall disburse payment. Simple!

7 Benefits of Remote Dedicated Hiring

Advantages of working with offshore dedicated development teams

There are innumerable benefits to recruit remote dedicated developers for carrying out an efficient business workflow. 

1. Lower Employment Cost:

If you hire remote developers, you definitely save costs on employee benefits (apart from salary) which you otherwise would have incurred by hiring full-time employees. For example, travel allowance, medical benefits, insurance, bonus, overtime, etc. In remote hiring, such perks come under the purview of IT vendors from where you hire remote developers. Also, hiring from low cost countries saves on the overall salary expense. 

2. Lower Infrastructure Cost:

A modern and well built office space at a great location with the best infrastructure and superior technology can cost a great deal of fortune to the organizations. With remote hiring, organizers don’t need to spend on such amenities, instead, they only pay for their actual work. Expenses for carrying out the work, like, computers, electricity, internet connection, etc are all taken care of by the IT vendor.

3. High Employee Retention Rate:

IT developers around the world are always on the lookout for better and lucrative job opportunities. This directly hits the company’s attrition level and delays your project completion. With remote hiring, this can be controlled quite well. While your IT vendor might also be facing the same problem, replacement is no longer your part of the job. Because your vendor has committed to your project, he will ensure your project is completed satisfactorily on time. 

4. Access to Best Skill Sets from all over the World:

Companies hire remote software developers to expand their access to diverse skill sets available globally. You can find some of the best developers proficient in niche technologies like AI, ML, IoT, Blockchain, which may not be available locally. This will mitigate your talent shortage issue and enable your product development using cutting-edge technologies. 

5. Availability around the Clock:

Honestly, the present world demands prompt actions and immediate resolutions. Unless you have a team working day and night (which is expensive), you may not be able to patch sudden issues like a bug in the application resulting in inconvenience for your end users. But if you have an offshore team working in a different time zone than yours, you can enjoy round the clock development, deployment and support. 

6. Higher Productivity from Remote Workers:

With a remote team of developers, you can improve your project outcomes and turnaround time as they can work at flexible hours of the day by not adhering to the traditional office timings filled up with lunch and coffee breaks. In fact, they might bring you more output in a lesser number of hours if they are working at their own comfort levels.

7. Enables Focus on Core Business:

With the service provider taking in-charge of the IT infrastructure development & support, you get more time to focus on core business activities like planning, marketing, optimizing company’s resources, streamlining processes, implementing business goals and expansion. 

The Challenges involved in Remote Dedicated Hiring

A remote dedicated model certainly offers many advantages to both – organizations and developers, but it comes with its own set of challenges. 

Data Security Risks

Working outside the office setup makes sensitive information vulnerable to malware attacks and even increases the risk of data theft or loss.

Mitigant: To make the remote work secure, it’s imperative to set up a secure VPN connection, have antivirus installed on every device, use password managers to store passwords securely and ask employees to change the passwords regularly. 

Inconsistent Communication

Working remotely might often lead to poor communication which can immensely hamper the workflow. Moreover, cultural, educational and language disparities might impact the ability of many offshore teams to fully understand the nuances of a project and to execute effectively.

Mitigant: You need to maintain regular & consistent communication with all extended team members, say, by setting up daily or mid-weekly meetings to clearly communicate the requirements, take updates on the project progress and rectify the loose areas that need your attention. You can also consider using tools like, Slack or Zoom, for a real time chat with your team/team leader. 

Little-to-no Supervision

Unlike your in-house team, you will be unable to strictly supervise your remote team members because the nature of this model is such. This may result in quality issues or project delays.

Mitigant: During initial discussions, disclose your requirements and expected timeframe (in details) in front of your dedicated software development partner. Also, it is important for you to trust them. Constant vigilance might make them uncomfortable and lose interest. But of course you should routinely check in on them to know the progress of the project and review their work for quality standards and timelines. You may also consider incorporating a daily reporting system in terms of, say, time sheets to track daily hours worked by your team or project tracking tools like Jira.

Final Thoughts

Looking at the current scenario where “remote work” culture is trending, to hire remote dedicated developers is definitely a good choice. It brings in innovative ideas, amplifies product development and its speed to market, helps to better allocate  resources, and most importantly meet customer demands and satisfaction levels quickly. Join hands with the modern workflow model and hire dedicated developers India who can work remotely but unitedly with your organization. 

Tech Exactly, a full-stack IT & software development company from India, can take your business’ productivity to greater heights. Our highly skilled and dedicated team of professionals provide quality care in catering to your requirements efficiently and can ensure end-to-end support in meeting the crunch deadlines of your projects. We value teamwork and use collaborative techniques to solve the challenges of remote work effectively. Our systematic approach, step-by-step support, and incessant hard work make us the right choice for elevating your company’s workflow into new horizons.

Connect to our experts today and explore more about our services. Call or chat online!

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